Creative project for children as part of the exhibition "Scenes of Life – A Japanese Screen and its (hi)stories”


[Translate to English:] Modul 1

At the center of our special exhibition, "Scenes of Life“, is a Japanese screen. This screen tells many stories of different people and objects painted in scenes that show the hustle and bustle on a street in Japan 400 years ago. Right now, streets all over the world are deserted, and the museums are closed. Take advantage of the empty street in front of your door and imagine street life in the future. What will it look like? Will cars fly through the air? Will it rain candy? Will everyone suddenly be allowed to do whatever they want?

[Translate to English:] Modul 2

Let your imagination run free, create a picture according to the motto "street of the future" as you please. Gluing, painting, collages, ink, and much more. ... which technique you use is entirely up to you.

The best works will be selected by a jury of experts for online voting, which will take place on Facebook. The winners chosen here win great prizes and become part of the museum by exhibiting their work at the Grassi Ethnographic Museum in Leipzig!

We are eager to see your picture!

[Translate to English:] Modul 3 - Bilder

[Translate to English:] Modul 4 - Weitere Infos

All you have to know:

You can participate if you're aged 3-12.

Prices will be given by age groups 3-5 years, 6-7 years, 8-12 years respectively

Send your work and all documents below digitally to us until 30 May 2020: or to our facebook page @grassimuseum.skd



Don't forget to give us your full name and age, the signed Statement of Consent to Privacy and Participation, as well as the Parental declaration - Granting of rights (you can send it as a photo to us). Without these documents and data you cannot participate. Please do only send jpeg-pictures (minimum resolution 300 dpi, maximum file size 6 MB).


Documents for download:

Parental declaration - Granting of rights

Statement of Consent to Privacy and Participation

[Translate to English:] Link zur Ausstellung

  to exhibition "Scenes of Life"


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