Transformative Archives - Approaches and Perspectives for (historical) civic education

A symposium of the Federal Agency for Civic Education in cooperation with the GRASSI Museum for Ethnology Leipzig, 3./4.11.2022, hybrid event

To the program

In diesem Symposium

In this symposium, spaces for reflection and exchange will be offered in which to discuss possibilities of illuminating hegemonic narratives and historiographies through so-called transformative archives on a transnational level. In addition, it will be asked to what extent documenting, archiving and making available marginalized (historical) knowledge and knowledge stocks opens up spaces in which new thinking and decolonial options can be discussed in the memory-political landscape of Germany and beyond.

Im Zentrum

After a keynote talk with Prof. Dr. Fatima El-Tayeb and Prof. Dr. Gayatri Gopinath and an introductory panel discussion, different formats and practical examples for transformative archives or rather transformative archiving will be presented in parallel workshops on the second day. In addition, they will discuss how a decolonial approach can be practically applied and implemented in the production and development of archives in order to shed light on knowledge and narratives that have been overwritten, erased or negated, and thereby help to expand collective memory.

The symposium will conclude with a reading from Sinthujan Varatharajah's debut novel: an alle orte, die hinter uns liegen.

The keynote talk, all panel discussions and the closing reading will be simultaneously interpreted into English and German sign language, as well as a part of the seminars (see program).

All spaces are wheelchair accessible. The event will take place in a hybrid format.

Information on hygiene concept: We would like to ask you to test yourself and wear a mask before attending the event. We recommend a medical or FFP2 mask. Masks can be removed at the venue and during meals.


To the program (PDF)

Livestream 3.11.2022, 5 p.m.

Livestream 3.11.2022, 7 p.m.

Livestream 4.11.2022, 4.30 p.m.

Livestream 4.11.2022, 7.30 p.m.

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