Current projects

Decolonisation projects comprise a vast network of museum activities. Restitution and repatriation projects can last many years and reach over several countries. Projects span from provenance research on SES (State Ethnographic Collections of Saxony) collections to data collection and presentation for internal and external databanks. The results are presented in exhibitions and discussed in formats such as the GRASSI Talks.

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© AW-Fotografie Andreas Wünschirs
From left to right: Research Assistant Miriam Hamburger, Dr. Birgit Scheps-Bretschneider, and Ngarrindjeri Ambassador Major Sumner at a repatriation ceremony in November 2019.

Overview of current projects

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Horst Martin in South America

Immaterial Restitution of Historical Photographs

Roughly 17,000 historical photographs picturing South American communities contribute to the SKD collection. Local historians and SKD researchers are cooperatively establishing databases to support local and cultural history.

Labrador Avertok Archaeology

This project is a cooperation between Inuit from Nunatsiavut and researchers from both SES and Memorial University of Newfoundland.

The Ritxoko dolls of the Iny Karajá

„Presença Karajá“

The SES and the international projekt "Presença Karajá: cultura material, tramas e trânsitos coloniais" jointly work toward a form of "digital restitution" of the Ritxoko dolls.

Overview of past projects


The first exhibition on repatriation was displayed within the "Workshop PROLOG" (September 2020).

[Translate to English:] weitere Projekte

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