in GRASSI Museum Leipzig

Please note that the first floor of the exhibition at GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig currently remains closed.


Through our Future Program REINVENTING GRASSI. SKD, funded by the “Initiative for Ethnological Collections” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, we will be redesigning our museum in the upcoming years extensively. Step by step, we want to transform ourselves into a Network Museum in which different voices have the opportunity to speak and different regions have the ability to connect with each other. Together, we will be casting critical perspectives on the ethnological collections, their acquisition, and exhibition history

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Das GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig: Ein Netzwerkmuseum

Upcoming events

Decolonisation, restitution, and repatriation

New Platform on Decolonisation, Restitution, and Repatriation

The SES publish new platform on decolonisation and wish to encourage dialogue and discussions.

© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Miriam Hamburger

Historic Inventories online

The State Ethnographic Collections Saxony present a new online platform where historic documentation of the ethnological museums is now publicly accessible.

© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Juliane Heinze

Multimedia tours

Experience artworks online with our multimedia tours. Get insights and background information on specific artworks before, during and after your visit to the museum.

Multimedia Guide



by Anja Nitz

DEPOT - Die Kultur des institutionellen Sammelns

In this recent photography project Berlin artist Anja Nitz deals with the cultural frames for institutionally motivated collecting. Her perspective makes the boundaries between collections, objects, and daily work routines in depots blur to some extent.

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Buchvorstellung Fotoband "Depot" von Anja Nitz (*1971)

From our Online Collection

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